RAI$E Accelerator is a 4-week intensive designed to help you:
… transform your relationship with money >>> from fear to freedom, from struggling to supported, from avoidance to abundance
… make or attract more money in your life/biz with greater ease
… kiss the same old money struggles goodbye – for good.
It’s time to take a fresh approach to the same old money challenges.
One that is higher vibration than the usual method (the mind).
One that finally creates the shifts you’ve know are possible.
Because you’ve likely spent enough time…
… avoiding looking at your balances
… feeling anxious about the bank notifications
… stressing about how the money will come
… associating your worth with a dollar amount
… living in a money scarcity mindset
… doing the opposite (e.g. spend) of what you want (e.g. save)
… feeling money disappointment, shame, & other low vibes
Want to build a new relationship with money?
Change your money energy, change your money outcomes.

Are You Ready To...
Feel more confident in your relationship with money and your ability to attract it?
Stay in your power when dealing with numbers (money, time, number of likes), instead of giving your power to them?
Become waaaay more comfortable with the energy of receiving? (I see you 👀, Miss Over-Giver.)
Feel neutral, or even positive, about bank balances and notifications (instead of breaking into a sweat and avoiding them 😜)?
Then you are ready to raise your money vibes.

Hi, I’m Molly. Years ago my spiritual mentor told me I would teach about money. I thought she was 🦇💩🤪. At the time I didn’t have anything unique to add to what the sea of money teachers were already saying. I was still doing my own money healing, and my primary motivation is impact not money.
That all changed in December 2021, when I woke up in the middle of the night for seven nights straight and downloaded the content for this program. (Hi, if we haven’t met, I am a channel). It was an abundance of original concepts I had not heard before.
After doing it myself, I began sharing it privately in client 1×1 sessions. They too started experiencing profound shifts. Opportunities with big salaries. Receiving unexpected money. Feeling peaceful and hopeful about money.
Next I shared it in group settings and people experienced things like… the biggest months in their businesses. New income generation. Confidence in their ability to attract money. And all kinds of happy money vibes like love, joy, peace, instead of fear, control and scarcity.
What differentiates RAI$E from other programs is the foundation: ENERGY. Energy is the highest vibration, then emotions, and lowest is thoughts (mind).
When we try to apply the same solution (mind) to the same problem (money), we get the same results, or results that don’t stick. The channeled content in RAI$E transforms our money fears, blocks and patterns in a way that’s beyond what the mind can comprehend (but appreciates after the fact when the evidence appears 💰).
The transformation others have experienced in RAI$E is possible for you too.

Here's some of what we'll cover in RAI$E ACCELERATOR
1. Structures
Banks, accountants, credits cards, taxes, oh my
External structures like those are meant to be a form of support, which is the exact opposite of how many of us feel when we get that little ping notification from a bank. You’ll untangle the three-way you have going on between you, money, and the structures that house your money, so that your automatic reaction isn’t to avoid, but rather to feel neutral or even excited.
2. Numbers
Thousands, millions, minutes, months
Nothing pulls us out of our power and possibility quicker than our misuse of numbers: money and time. Some of us are meant to manifest money using numbers, others aren’t. You’ll learn about your unique style, plus set up practices to support the 3D side of money (checking balances, etc.) and the 5D side of money (manifesting, etc.). No more allowing quantity to pull you out of quantum possibilities.
3. Source
Corporate paycheck, self employment, trust funds and more
Another entanglement you’ll transform is the SOURCE of money: current, past, future. Any funky energy here can impact your relationship with money. For example, a bad experience with a past employer. Or, frustration that you’re making more money in a job than in your business. You will shift that funky source energy and allow money to come to you in all the ways its meant to.
4. Receiving
The energetics of giving and receiving
It’s a safe bet that you have a history of feeling more comfortable giving than receiving. (For my small business owners, the giving/receiving imbalance can get especially triggered transitioning from a corporate paycheck to self-employment.) It’s not your fault, we’ve been raised and praised for that. You’ll release a bunch of big old programming that is effing up your ability to receive with greater ease.
5. Avoidance to Abundance
Avoidance is like opting out of your dream
Doing all the abundance meditations while ignoring the aspects of your money relationship that feel uncomfortable … isn’t going to create abundance. After we’ve created a new money foundation in your being (nervous system, root chakra), you’ll experience a new way of approaching the fear-triggering stuff in a way that feels supportive and approachable (no sweating or 💩👖 involved).
5. Activations
Elevate your money vibes
This truly is what differentiates RAI$E from other programs. When you try to solve a problem with the vibration of the problem, you’re basically in a wrestling match with it AKA struggle. Some days you’re winning, other days the pain is. This program is rooted in energy – which is a higher vibration than thoughts (mind) or feelings (emotions). We’re not bypassing the fears and wounds. We’re elevating your money frequency so that you’re no longer triggered by them.

Available in ACCELERATOR only...

Four weeks of direct support
To amplify your transformation and hold you accountable to what’s possible

eight live calls
So you can’t reschedule or postpone doing the work 😉

Bonus #1 - Waiting No More ($97 value)
(Video) Shift out of waiting for the money, the likes and the results. Waiting is an energy of lack and a symptom of circumstantial power. Get into your authentic power to help manifest the results more quickly and spare yourself the struggle.

bonus #2 - Creating Cash Confidence ($97 value)
(Video) Take a deep dive into shifting your mindset around “money fear” and identify where you’re projecting low vibes onto money. This also covers the money energetics of switching from a job to your own biz.

bonus #3 - numbers and your human design ($297 value)
(Live Session with Q&A) Led by my Human Design mentor, you’ll have the opportunity to take a deep dive into your unique design as it relates to numbers (money, time, etc.). You’ll have the chance to ask specific questions about your chart so you can create greater alignment with numbers in your biz/life.
All of this ($491 in bonuses + direct support) for LESS than the price off my DIY RAI$E program!
Your new money story begins now
Select the payment option of your choice below. Upon registering, you'll receive an email with all of the program details.
get notified when the next RAI$E Accelerator is happening
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to own a business to do RAI$E?
Absolutely NOT! The money magic in this program works for EVERYONE! I just use a lot of business owner examples because a lot of my clients are business owners. You can be in a corporate job, no job or running your own biz, and it’ll still work!
Who is RAI$E for?
Anyone (women or men) who is ready to create greater ease and receiving in their relationship with money. Of course you have to be woo-minded, but you wouldn’t still be reading this far along if you weren’t. 💫
When does it start and what are the dates?
1 – Wednesday, May 8th @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
2 – Friday, May 10th, @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
3 – Monday, May 13th, @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
4 – Wednesday, May 15th @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
5 – Monday, May 20th @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
6 – Wednesday, May 22nd @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
7- Wednesday, May 29th @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
8 – Friday, May 31st same @ 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
What if I can't join all of the calls live?
For any calls you can’t make live, schedule time on your calendar to watch the replay within 24 hours so you keep up with the momentum of the program. 🙂
What does it include?
Eight live calls, including content and coaching. Four weeks of support from me. Bonuses (see above). Access to the replays for a specific period of time.
Where can I find the call replays and bonuses?
They are available to you directly in the online portal, Kartra.