I heard from several people saying, me too! It was in response to an email I sent last week. In it I described the cycle I experienced energetically while I was in the corporate space. I’d start off my Mondays feeling energetic, eating healthy, refraining from office temptations (like gossip and sweets) and somehow by Friday find myself feeling depleted, exhausted and nibbling on sweets and gossip. Naturally I didn’t like that pattern and started experimenting with ways to feel energetic throughout the week.
At first I focused on what I thought I could change while I was at work, only to realize it was something that I did outside of work that positively affected my energy and enabled me to stick to my spiritual and well-being practices throughout the week.
Once I implemented my new practice regularly, I started feeling like I had the same energy on Mondays as I did on Fridays. And the weeks I didn’t do it, well….you know what happened then.
This week I am sharing with you the #1 technique I used to switch my energy around to feel energetic, healthy and happy on Fridays instead of exhausted, depleted and making bad choices. Also, I’ve shared though a video (vlog) instead of a traditional blog. Hope you enjoy and if you try it, let me know how it goes!