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Molly Hamill teaches higher self channeling

integrating the woo in your do

You’re here to create impact


There are so many new hats to wear in the process of starting and growing your own biz. Sales and marketing, being just a couple.

Learning all of them – while success is still just a vision in your mind, a hope in your heart – takes some energetics mastery.

Because how you respond to the inevitable doubts and fears affects the outcome, experience and timeline. Want to learn some energetics that make all of that easier?


Brand energetics

Everything is energy, including your business and brand. Once you tap into the frequency of your business, it becomes sooo much easier to...

> make decisions with ease (what, when, how)...

> create offers that sell (programs, services, products)...

> deeply connect with the community you are meant to serve...

> release the blocks that have been preventing all of that.

Hi, I'm Molly, a business energetics expert on a mission to help spiritually-minded entrepreneurs co-create their dreams with greater ease and less struggle.


You're minutes away from greater results. Internal (clarity and creativity) and external (clients and cash).


Raise your money vibes

(overcoming money fears)

Doubting if you’ll make money in your biz. Feeling like an insecure teenager when talking about prices with clients. Avoiding and or stressing about all the money stuff.  Whew, I know. It’s a lot.

What worked for you in the corporate gig likely isn’t going to work for you in your own biz. Because the energetics are SO different. For example, not having a regular paycheck. Doubting if you’re charging the right amount. Worrying about when the next client will sign up.

Good news – it gets to be a lot easier. But you gotta make some shifts in your money consciousness first. And the way I do it – through energetics – creates sticky results quickly.


 You do what?!

Calling all wellness + intuitive healers, soulpreneurs, and paradigm-shifting coaches.

When what you do isn’t exactly mainstream (yet), but there’s more people than ever doing it, attracting your ideal client can get a bit tricky.

Describing the unknown or intangible in a way that connects with your future clients and coverts into sales is like learning to speak a whole new language. Ready to start attracting more of those ideal clients?


Her Unrealistic Ways

Grab a latte, your favorite crystal and binge away on all the podcast magic.

While HRU is going through a makeover, binge away at some oldie but goodies…

October 17, 2023

Extravert, Introvert, and Human Design with Emma Jensen

      Extrovert and introvert — it’s so easy to get these terms confused, and everyone defines them differently. This week, we’re clearing the air on what these words…
October 3, 2023

Safety and Pleasure in Business

        One of the ways we often sabotage ourselves is by not creating a sense of safety or boundaries in our business. Boundaries, whether with our time,…
September 12, 2023

Body and Business

        In this New Era, body and business are energetically integrated with our whole being. And one of the ways we can become more in tune with…
August 29, 2023


        Meet my astrobranding strategist and graphic designer, Alex McGinness. She has been studying charts and using them to transform businesses, including my own for several years,…

Working with Molly has been nothing short of MAGICAL! She is a beautiful, empowering, shining spirit with a warrior heart and intuitive mind. She has been tremendously supportive in helping me connect with myself and highest potential, in a way I had not been able to do. She helps to "connect-the-dots" with ease and clarity and holds the space for you when big shifts occur. She is wildly talented and incredibly compassionate. Together we were able to uncover so many patterns, habits and successes I hadn’t been able to see myself. I am forever grateful. Thank you, Molly.


I absolutely loved the synergy that was created with the other women in the group! I loved the lessons that were flexible with my schedule…where I could still watch the videos, take notes and complete my assignments at my own pace. This has completely changed my future. I now have a process that can help me move through difficult and ‘yucky’ situations. It also gives me a platform by which I can get in touch with my core self and feelings. Just you wait! This program will change your life.


This literally has made everything in my life so much easier – I can’t even put it into words. Molly’s intuition is so on point, and enables us to do the same. I learned to lean into trusting myself and owning my worth on a deeper level.


Molly is an amazing woman and an even more amazing coach. In just a few calls she has helped me release limiting beliefs, elevate my consciousness and connect with my angels and spirit guides in a way I never have. I know now that struggling is optional and I have the tools to tap into to leave the heavy lifting to my posse of angelic support. I have never been more in tune, aligned with my authentic self, and grateful for life.


My intuition is stronger now. Negative thinking, fears and doubts don't stick around as long as they used to. I'm able to get myself back on track and back into alignment faster and easier. I feel a boost in my manifesting powers. The private group really helped me to feel connected and supported, and it held me accountable to do the work. The shifts I have felt from all of Molly’s programs excite me so much I am thinking of becoming a coach myself!


While a ton has changed over the last year, one constant has been the guidance that I have received while working with Molly. In addition to no MS relapses, the shifts internally have been lifesaving. I understand my fears but don’t allow them to hold me back, I love myself and prove it by honoring my needs and boundaries, and I have learned to accept all that is me. These internal shifts have created ripples in all my relationships. My marriage is stronger and my career has completely been overhauled.


I was stuck in thought patterns that were holding me back from exceling and fully moving forward. I never felt good enough, and I had a lot of anxiety. Through Molly’s boundless support and her effective tools, I was able to uncover and release my obstacles and old mental barriers. Molly is a bright soul with amazing energy. I always looked forward to the weekly videos and assignments. I know I will carry the tools I learned with me into the future. This program was so transformational for me!


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