Everyone has heard they “should” meditate. The benefits are well known, buuuuut the image of it might be scaring you off or leaving you with some misconceptions. Normally we see the image of the peaceful yogi at sunset with a blissful facial expression. Sound familiar?
Well, while I have MOMENTS of that when I meditate, often it’s quite different. It usually starts with some racing thoughts, then I experience some emotions I’ve been avoiding. But it’s how I handle those thoughts and emotions that create the meditation experience. 🙂 In this week’s video I describe what the meditation process is actually like. Hint: It’s not about having no thoughts.
And P.S., if you’re curious about mediation, or want to learn more about it, I’m launching a new meditation series next week, Naturally High (because that’s how I often feel after I meditate)! Click here to get on the list (and receive 25% off). In addition to meditations, I’m sharing my best meditation tips. You don’t have to be a yogi, or a vegan, woo woo, or anything else to allow the benefits of meditation into your life. Mediation is for everyone, and I’ll show you how during Naturally High. 🙂
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