This week we celebrate Winter Solstice, starting late in the evening on December 21st through December 22nd. It is the time of year for reflection and rest. It represents growth, renewal and rebirth, and it is shortest day (light) and longest night (darkness) of the year. Spiritually it provides a time for us to reflect on our own darkness and light. The darkest day of the year represents our own darkness. It’s the shadow inside of us, made up of past mistakes, behavioral and mental patterns, old habits and ways of being, painful experiences, our biggest fears and much more.
However, the promise of re-birth is within sight as the New Year is less than two weeks away. A fresh start, a new beginning, a new chapter to add to our book of life. It holds promise and wonder. We typically walk into the New Year ready to shed what no longer serves us and take on what will lead us to greater happiness and success.
After Winter Solstice we begin to head towards Spring Equinox. Marking the shift from the shortest day of the year to a day with a perfect balance between light and dark. As we strive for our own perfect balance, we often try to ignore our darkness. But really by embracing our darkness, we shine our light.
Nothing gets us more in touch with self, and what’s truly important, than when we go through some kind of darkness or difficulty. We’re quicker to pray and to ask for help. It is in this darkness that we seek light. When we’ve made it through to the other side, we don’t want to look back. We want to avoid feeling the darkness again. But just as nature goes through periods of balance, so too do we. Learning to view our darkness as that vehicle of transformation often leads to quicker transition.
As I’ve shared, during certain points this year I felt like I was getting a smack down from the universe. I questioned why and I resisted. As I began to shift my perspective on feeling that way, I came across a quote from Yogi Bhajan, you have come here to be roughed up and be brought to essence. I realized that the smack downs were actually vehicles to connecting with my light (essence) in new ways. My interpretation now is the darkness we experience in our lives serves as the vehicle to connect with our light. In fact it is through that darkness that we can shine our light.
Wherever you are today, you have choices to make.
Long term, you can honor and learn from your darkness. Or, you can ignore it. You can reject it. (As I’m sure you know, those last two options won’t really work.) 😉
You can look back on 2015 and beat yourself up over the failures, the missed opportunities, the icky memories, or instead look to see how those experiences will contribute (or have contributed) to your growth and transformation. How will the lessons be incorporated into 2016?
Today you can witness darkness surrounding you through complaining or gossiping or other forms of drama. And you can choose to shine your light instead of contributing to the darkness.
So during this period of rest and reflection, don’t be afraid to acknowledge your darkness. It can serve you if you choose. And as you set your intentions and goals for 2016, take a cue from nature. It doesn’t go from the darkest day of the year to a perfect balance of light and dark over night. It takes time, and so can you. 🙂