Today is the first day of summer, and we only have a couple of days left in Gemini season before we move into Cancer! Gemini is an air sign, which is connected to our lungs (anxiety) and heart (joy)!
This playlist I’m sharing below has definitely brought me joy over the last week, and I wanted to share it with you too. Each of the songs are uplifting and most use mantras that are directly connected to opening the heart center. And of course, you can still use it when we move into Cancer (water element).
I’d recommend doing a pranayama meditation while playing these songs, which nourishes your lungs, decreases anxiety, and rejuvenates your whole system. For example you could do an inhale/hold/exhale breath cycle for 10, 15 or 20 seconds. Meaning inhale slowly for 10 seconds through your nose, suspend the breath for 10 seconds, and exhale slowly for 10 seconds through your nose. If 10 seconds aren’t enough, try 15 or 20 seconds. If 10 seconds are too much, try 5 seconds and add a second on each day.
Each of these songs are by Kundalini musicians, and whenever I teach a class or a meditation people ask for the playlist because the music is so beautiful. I hope you enjoy, and let me know if you have a favorite!