Struggle — we all feel it, we all experience it. And I’m going to teach you one super effective way to shift out of struggle and back into alignment.
If you’re like me, you may be feeling more struggle lately than usual. With some planetary shifts that are coming up very soon, there’s a lot of start-stop energy that could be leaving you feeling stuck or overwhelmed.
When I was going through my own struggle with my health last year, I learned one simple but effective tool to help release that energy of struggle and get back in alignment with myself, and I want to share it with you today.
Stop bringing more struggle into tough situations. Reevaluate the emotions that come up for you when you’re struggling, and get back into alignment with a higher vibration with just a few simple questions you can ask yourself right now.
Key Moments:
- Creating more struggle when it feels familiar and comfortable [3:03]
- You’re responsible for the energy you’re bringing to the situation [4:58]
- Emotion is energy in motion [6:48]
- Transforming struggle through your response to it [9:21]
- Shifting the energy does not mean denying your feelings [11:30]
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