Since we’re in a water sign (Pisces), it’s the perfect time to connect with our feelings ✨.
Here’s a journal prompt for you to do just that…
Think about an area of your life that’s important to you or a dream/goal.
In your journal write the following….
When I think about _________, I feel _____________________________.
Write it allll out. The high vibe. The not so high vibe. And all the vibes in between.
What is the sensation like?
Feel into it.
Breath into it.
Track it as it may move from one area of your body to the next.
Notice if it dissipates or grows stronger.
Love your way through it.
To close, write out any inspirations or ah-has that you had during this process. (Can be as an affirmation or just free writing.)
Doing quick energy alignment exercises like this one, on a regular basis, create massive shift and alignment. It also gives us a chance to release any built-up emotions that our body is absorbing for us.
Next week I’m going to share a breathing technique I like to do after journaling alignment exercises to move and transform any lingering energy in my body.
And PS feel free to share any inspo or ah-has you had doing this!