From corporate paycheck to self-employed, whether you’ve been on your own for a while, or you’re just starting your business, this episode will get you dialed into the energetics of shifting from a corporate paycheck to being paid through your business.
I’m sharing 4 things for you to reflect on that will help shift your relationship and mindset around money. Whether you’re used to getting paid regularly through an employer, or you have some funky energy around being paid for your brand and expertise, we all have hang-ups that we can use some mindset shifts around.
This episode will leave you with some questions to ask yourself about the energetics you feel around money, stability, receiving, and more. So tune in to learn why you deserve to get paid for your work, and how to shift stuck energy around money.
Key Moments:
- The root chakra shift of owning your own business [4:00]
- Leaning into uncertainty around being paid for your work [6:46]
- Learning to receive first, and do the work second [8:26]
- Shifting your energy around receiving and deserving [11:37]
- Not forcing timing around money [13:04]
- The energetics around being paid for your work [17:00]
- Breaking down old beliefs and operating from your heart chakra [19:03]
Connect with me on Instagram: @mollyhamill
Check out my offerings:
(Be)come Your Own Boss Masterclass | August 22nd 5 PM PT